Prepare yourself by learning how to shield yourself and those around you. If you are attuned to yourself and take precautions especially before engaging in a paranormal event, such as a ghost hunting investigation.

This could be due to the increase in media mainstream exposure during paranormal investigations.

But today, the phenomenon is now stepping into the limelight. Mediums and psychics have known about Spirit Attachments for a very long time. There is also the physical and mental health fallout when you are dealing with an unwanted spirit or ghost attachment.

In most cases, attachments range from being temporary and unpleasant to long term and terrifying. They may want to get close to a living person to find stability.Ī living person has the energy or spirit of a dead person/entity attached to them. Other attachments are confused, not realizing they are dead. An attachment is an earthbound spirit that fastens to a person, usually because they find comfort in re-living some of the physical aspects of life. Reference What is a Spirit Attachment?Ī Spirit Attachment is basically just what it says. For these individuals, they may unknowingly have an attachment. Some folks’ life force energy is so strong, they attract ghosts like magnets. They can only be recharged by this cosmic life force energy.” Reference This Life force energy also draws spirits to us.

This life energy is the real sustainer of life for when the mind, body, and soul are depleted. Life Force is the intelligent power that coverts food matter, oxygen and sunshine into living matter. This cosmic Life Force Energy comes from outside the body, enters the brain and keeps the cells charged with life. Life Force (sometimes also known as Prana) “supplies energy directly to the brain. (Rieki Master, Sensitive and Paranormal Investigator) Life Force Energy and Attachments How does the Supernatural collaborate these two normally separate properties in the mystical world? The answer is simply energy… life force energy. Have you ever wondered what Ghosts have in common with the art of Reiki?